Wednesday, September 19, 2012


All Satan wants to do is make us miserable. And he is trying everything he can to destroy me right now... :'( My baptism is just 3 days away - he really doesn't want that. I NEED to show him where my heart is; I will follow my Heavenly Father.

As most of you know I went through a really hard breakup near the end of last school year. Because I am a girl, and because I really loved this individual, my heart is taking a while to heal. Sometimes I still wonder if we could make it work... but I know it isn't going to. Ever. And that's what kills me. There are so many things I wish I could go back and change, but I will never progress if I keep dwelling on it. I feel like I am blindly walking forward, not sure where I am going. But I can feel arms wrapped securely around me, leading me there. I have had some incredible experiences recently that continue to assure me the Savior is there and that He loves me. It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful I feel when the Spirit is with me. And in just three days, He will always be with me if I continue to follow Christ.

The step I am about to take is the right one. I know with all my heart it is! I realize that there are going to be more periods in my life that I feel like I am blindly walking... but I won't be lead astray if I follow the Savior and His church.

"...a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, so watch your step." 

Brigham City, Utah Temple

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