Sunday, October 28, 2012


For Girl's Camp this year, the stake's theme was "Happily Ever After". Each ward chose a temple as our 'castle' and a woman who demonstrated the value that we had. My ward represented virtue and our lovely princess was Stephanie Nielson! For those of you who don't know who she is, look up her story and read her blog (her blog is listed to the right: NieNie). She is such an inspiration and a huge example of faith. We have grown to love her so much as we continued to learn about her life and her stories.
As a part of camp, each ward made a book about their princess to share with the rest of the stake. Me and two other girls in my ward decided to make a handmade book then print copies of it for each girl and all of our leaders. The real book would then be delivered to Stephanie! Well... Today we got to meet her!! :D She had just come home from church and we were standing on her porch, but she was still so glad to meet us! She gave us all a hug and her smile just glowed with happiness. I am so happy we got to meet her!
Zoe, Ari, me, Stephanie (NieNie), Gabby, Sister Cole, Mia & Sophie
What a beautiful and inspiring woman she is!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Heaven Is Never Far Away

"I know that my Redeemer lives. What comfort this sweet sentence gives."

Today was hard. I am hurting and overwhelmed. Losing a friend is never easy... I miss his friendship already but I know it is better for the both of us to part ways. Our paths crossed for a reason... I am just trying to figure out why they did. 
Heavenly Father, are you really there? And do you hear and answer every child's prayer? Some say that Heaven is far away, but I feel it close around me as I pray.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Temple Trips

If anyone ever wants to do a temple trip, just call me and we'll go! :)

October 6, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Shoes to Fill

Ballroom has been a big passion of mine for a few years now. I tried out for the high school's team every year and last year I made it to call-backs! My excitement abruptly stopped when I found out I didn't make the team this year... But I knew there had to be a reason. I really feel strongly that Heavenly Father has a different path for me. Even though I really wanted to make the team the Lord knew what I needed. One of my favorite Conference talks is by D. Todd Chritofferson and it's called "As Many As I Love, I Will Rebuke and Chasten". It has really helped me get through this trial.

Fast forward to now. I was listening to some music just a bit ago and it sparked some memories. Remembering my dance shoes just sitting in my closet, I decided to put them on. It may sound a bit silly but I started to cry... I miss dance much more than I let myself believe. It was a huge outlet for me. I don't let myself think about it too much for too long otherwise I just start to feel down. But I know that Heavenly Father needed me somewhere else. He needed me to go through this trial and I have learned so much from it! I just want you all to know that even if you get thrown down you can get back up again. It takes a lot of heart, and a lot of faith, but you will get there. Don't ever give up!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Baptism, Conference & Missions, OH MY!

This could be a long post, so bear with me ;)

On September 22, 2012 I was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! Many of you know my conversion story but for those of you that don't, I will summarize it for you. When I was in 7th grade I met a wonderful young man and we quickly became friends. As we began talking he started to talk more and more about the Church. It wasn't long before he invited me to a combined mutual activity. I started to meet with the missionaries and we set a baptism date (by this time I was in 8th grade I think). My parents asked me to wait until I turned 18 to make my decision. As I continued to attend church and mutual, I learned so much about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My faith and testimony only continued to grow. And so... my 18th birthday was last month and I was able to get baptized! It was a long journey that consisted of many tears, broken hearts and lonely nights. But it also had many happy moments filled with smiles, laughter and hugs. I have to admit, I was frustrated with my parents for a while. But I wouldn't change the things I went through for anything. The way that this all played out made me who I am today. And I am happy with who I am. I went through so many hard, dark times - so many nights of soaked pillows. However, the happiness I feel now made all of that pain worth it! Perhaps I wasn't ready when I first set the baptism date. No, I take that back. I KNOW I wasn't ready. I got angry and frustrated at the time because I could not yet see the wonderful outcome of all of my struggling and heartache. I just have one word for you: FAITH. My journey was not easy, by any means, but faith in the Lord Jesus Christ pulled me through. I knew that if I tried my best to do what is right and what the Church teaches I would be blessed. There were so many times I felt like I couldn't handle it anymore and I was ready to throw in the towel... but my Savior always pulled me through. At times I really questioned if He was truly there; could He really hear me? Now that I look back at those times I can clearly see that He was there. He heard me. And He wanted to just hold me and tell me that everything would be okay. In the moment of deep anguish and pain I failed to see it... But I know with all my heart He really was there.

My testimony has grown so much these past five years. And I want all of you to know that you can do hard things. At times I felt it impossible to carry on and endure to the end but the Savior always came to my rescue. He will never forsake us!

Yesterday morning our beloved prophet Thomas S. Monson announced that all able, worthy young men who are graduated from high school can now serve a mission at age 18! He also announced that all young women at age 19 can now serve!! I was shocked but elated when I heard this! I had the opportunity to attend that session with my dear friend Katelynn. As soon as we heard this wonderful news we looked at each other and began to sob. Both of were overjoyed! Katelynn will be turning 19 next month and I will be able to start my papers next year! We were surrounded by missionaries and we couldn't help but cry. The Spirit was just flowing through us.

2nd Row! Yeah, just feet from the Prophet and Apostles.
After the morning session ended Katelynn and I decided to walk around Temple Square a bit. We were still smiling ear to ear! Before we walked back to the car we decided to go up to the Chistus. I have never been up there so I was really excited! We encountered some sister missionaries and asked if they could take our picture. As we waited for the opportunity we started talking. The subject of my conversion and baptism soon came up. I always love telling people about the joy I feel that comes from the Gospel! One of the sisters then asked if she could share a scripture with me and asked if I would read it. Happy to do so I began reading the verse aloud:
"Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me."
{3 Nephi 9:14}

About half way through I began to sob again. I couldn't speak. The Spirit just flooded through my body and I couldn't contain it. Standing next to the Christus and reading this was incredible! The beautiful white Christus just touched my heart.

I have already had a few people ask me if I am planning on serving a mission now. The answer is yes! I have a special place in my heart for missionaries and there are still people all over the world who do not have a knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I want so much to be able to share this wonderful Gospel with them! It changed my life and I know it can change theirs. This is the only true and complete church; Christ's original church that was established during His time on the Earth. Life is simply marvelous... :D