I had a rather discouraging yet powerful experience this afternoon. I participate in an after school weight training program and I cannot get enough of it! I am pretty sure I am addicted to weight training :P But it's a healthy addiction! Anyway, back to the story. I was warming up to do my one rep max on box squat and I got through the first set with only a little bit of a struggle. I was getting so excited for the second set and I racked the weight! I put the bar on my shoulders and sat down.
But I couldn't get back up.
No matter how hard I tried I just could not get my legs to lift me back up. The spotters lifted the weight and I stood up... I felt so defeated. I've easily done this weight before... My max last year far exceeded the weight I attempted today. The rest of training didn't go well either. I am so determined to reach my goal and I want it bad. I have good days, and I have great days! But I also have days like today that just knock me to the ground.
And I realized something today.
You can't always do it by yourself. Not just weight lifting, but anything in life. At some point in time we will all need help from someone to lift that heavy weight from our shoulders. Don't be afraid to ask for help! You have friends and family who love you. You also have a loving Heavenly Father to guide you along the way. He's your spotter. He pushes you, encourages you, motivates you and keeps you safe. All we have to do is open our hearts. That one step opens countless doors! It changes lives every day -- it changed mine. After years of waiting to be baptized I can now say that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And I LOVE IT! I can't say it without smiling!
Don't be afraid to ask for Heavenly Father's help. He is there for you and wants you to succeed. Yes, there will be times that you fall down and cannot get back up, but He is there to lift that heavy bar from your shoulders. Don't allow yourself to try doing it alone; it can and will hurt you. Allowing Christ to "spot you" brings endless blessings and indescribable happiness. He will never let you get stuck under the heavy load that you bear.
"And it shall come to pass in that day that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing."
2 Nephi 20:27