Sunday, July 22, 2012


Ladies, this post is mainly for you, but I invite the guys to read it as well.
It is so important to dress modestly. As girls, we just don't fully understand how our clothing choices affects you guys. I came across this video a while ago and I have never forgotten about it since I first watched it. It is a video about Men's Thoughts on Modesty. I encourage you all to watch it! It really inspires me to try even harder to always dress modestly. If you are a guy reading this, I want to give you a challenge. I want you to leave a comment about why you think us young women should dress modestly and tell us what we can do to improve. Ladies, I want to challenge you as well. When you are making clothing choices, ask yourself if you would be comfortable wearing that outfit if the Lord was present. I know that the Lord wants us to dress appropriately in every situation. I also know that it is getting harder and harder to find modest clothing that isn't too expensive. But we will be blessed for making an extra effort to find and wear modest clothing. 
I believe it was the New Era magazine that provided a tool for making sure your clothes are modest. It is really easy to remember! It is as easy as singing the song "Head, shoulders, knees, and toes" and it goes a little something like this:
  1. Head: touch your head with both hands. Does your shirt still cover your stomach?
  2. Shoulders: touch both of your shoulders. Do you feel fabric?
  3. Knees: bend over and touch your knees. Does your shirt still cover you up?
  4. Toes: bend over and touch your toes. Does your shirt still cover your back completely?
There is one more I would like to add to our little list here. 

5. Place your arms down by your sides and straighten your fingers. Do your shorts or your skirt go past your fingertips?

Remember that you are a beautiful daughter of God or a handsome son of God. It isn't worth it to try to follow all of the clothing trends when it means that you don't dress modestly. Both young men and women can help each other to dress appropriately. Remember that you have infinite worth and that Heavenly Father loves you!

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